Redirect Servers (Your Options)


Staff member
Jul 27, 2024
Neenah, WI
If you want to host a UT2004 Server with fast downloads for clients it is always best to set up a Redirect server. Essentially what a redirect server does is tell the client joining your server what files they need to join and where to get the files from. UT2004 allows you to serve the files to the users with compression which will save a lot of download file... less so now that internet is so much faster than it was in 2004.

You have three ways you can do a redirect server:​

Use a public redirect server.
A public redirect is a huge repository of files that tons of people all uploaded to for hosting. This method is the absolute quickest way to set up a redirect for your users. It does, however, have some problems. Let's say you upload a map AS-PWC-TestMap to the redirect, but you had to make a fix. You cannot upload that exact file name again as it's already uploaded. You would have to rename it. Sometimes creators of mods and mutators have different versions of files that have the same name. This is apparent when users try to join your server and it downloads fast, then starts over at a snail's pace. That happened because it downloaded what it was supposed to but the hashes did not match, so it is trying to get it from the game server at 10-20KB/s. See our public redirect at

Use a hybrid redirect server. (RECOMMENDED)
Back in 2023 I developed the hybrid redirect server as a way to combat the problems with using a public redirect server entirely. When you use my hybrid redirect server option you get a special url unique to your account. By default our system will serve your files from our public redirect, but if you run into a snag and you want to upload your own version of a file, there is a special area to upload exemptions. Take for example you have a mymeshes.utx but it's different than the one we have on the public redirect. You upload the compressed version to your panel at and then when users request that file it will serve it from your stash and not our public stash. Best of all, you don't have to pay for hosting. I'm paying the bills.

Use your own web server.
This gives you the ultimate control. If you have a web hosting account that allows you to serve files with a uz2 extension (most will) you can upload all compressed files required to a hidden folder on your web server and then edit the address into your UT2004.ini for your server.


You mention compressed format, how do I compress a map?​

UT2004 has a command line for you to compress files.
ucc.exe compress C:\Users\PWC\Desktop\AS-Mapname.ut2
This will work if I am in command prompt and currently in the system folder for UT2004's installation. You can also use 'decompress' to decompress files in the same way. It will place the finished file in the same location as the original when you do this.

You can also use tools like Redirect Server Checker. This is my favorite tool to use when I am setting up a fresh server. It takes a little setting up. You need to point it to your game server local install so it can use the compression functions. I do not recommend letting it use FTP to upload for you to your own private server. Have it save the files locally and then upload. When this tool is used correctly it will scan the contents of your game server, ignore the files that are part of the base game, and then compress the rest for you. (if you want to download it)

How do I set up a hybrid redirect?​

You can do so at my Llama Punter website Create a free account and then in your portal you will have a tab for the redirect. It will give you your special URL to use. Place that URL in your game server's UT2004.ini and you'll be ready to start serving files. If your users run into a file that doesn't download properly. You can check to see if it exists at our public redirect server and if it does, you can upload your own replacement right in the Llama Punter panel.

Why do files download so slowly from a game server directly?​

The game server was never intended to be a fast delivery system. This game was built when DSL was just starting to get popular... So this game also had to be dial-up friendly. A game server by default will only serve you files at 10KB/s. For small changes and addons this is honestly fine, but when you're getting into textures and more complicated files it could take minutes to hours. There are ways to make a game server serve files very quickly but we are not going to get into that here. It is best to follow what Epic recommended and have an external fast redirect server to take the burden off of the game server.